We are in the middle of a global pandemic that is currently testing the quality of the health care systems of every nation. According to a press release in 2018 by the American Psychological Association, stress about medical issues and health care affects approximately 60% of all Americans, without a global crisis (Bethune and Lewan, 2018). One important way to combat this  stress is to make sure you have a Legacy Wealth Plan that includes a comprehensive Medical Power of Attorney.

This document is also known as an Advanced Health Care Directive, and it protects you and your estate in case of illness and incapacitation. It accomplishes this by outlining your specific decisions and appointing a representative to make choices on your behalf. According to HIPAA guidelines, your successor trustee needs legal authorization with specific language to access your medical records and make crucial decisions on your behalf. Unfortunately, this essential document is not included in most basic Living Trusts and a Will does not cover these issues at all. You need an Estate Plan that can and will make necessary provisions to ensure that your life is entrusted to your loved ones, not insurance companies and standard procedures.

Right now is the most important time to make sure that you have an Advanced Health Care Directive in case of a medical emergency. Without one, your family will be forced to wait for the courts to reopen to get approval for basic and life-threatening issues.

Contact our office, set up a consultation, and let us help you get the protection you need for your life and your legacy.

Bethune, S. and Lewan, E., 2018. Stress About Health Insurance Costs Reported By Majority Of Americans, APA Stress In America™ Survey Reveals. [online] Apa.org. Available at: [Accessed 20 April 2020].

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