Meet Jeffrey Field

Jeff graduated from Southwestern University School of Law after having already been established for 20 years as a Certified Financial Planner and Accountant. He has appeared on ABC, CBS, NBC & Fox TV as an authority on estate planning. He is a member of the American Academy of Estate Planning Attorneys® and has helped hundreds of families plan their estates since 2006 — his workshops always get rave reviews!
Jeff is a Utah, California and Arizona licensed tax, business and probate law attorney, a Certified Financial Planner™ (CFP®), a former Chief Financial Officer of a non-profit (CFO), a Certified Tax Coach and Accountant and teaches estate planning at UT Tech University in plain English.
He founded Field Law, pc where he helps families build and protect their tomorrows today by leaving a lasting legacy. He is a published author of Your Legacy Matters, a book he offers to his clients to understand estate planning. Jeff founded Field Freedom Advisors, a Registered Investment Advisor, to help clients further their legacy through coaching and prudent investing.
All of this experience and education has one goal – to bring a dynamically proactive approach to clients’ interests, estate and financial strategy, enabling them to design plans for maximum growth, protection and savings.
He also has a desire to help those in need and was presented with “Volunteer of the Year” by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors for his work with the Los Angeles Domestic Violence Project. He volunteers his time helping primarily women facing domestic violence and are in need of restraining orders.
Mr. Field’s interest in building the financial success of clients’ businesses runs parallel to his interest in building furniture and ongoing building of his Utah ranch. Together with his family, he constructed a 1,700 square foot log cabin in southern Utah. He is also actively involved in the Cowboy Lawyers Association where several times throughout the year horse lovers from the legal industry gather together to enjoy the outdoors and the joy of horseback riding. Jeff resides with his lovely wife, Shelli. Together they have five children and ten grandchildren. He enjoys spending time with his family, fishing, building and being in the outdoors.