Like many, I am a football enthusiast, especially when it comes to my family’s favorite team, the Dallas Cowboys. For my family, football is not just a leisurely pastime for a Sunday afternoon, it is a key form of bonding and spending quality time together. My brother and I played football when we were in High School and I have since had the joy of cheering on both my sons, Michael and Caleb, as they played the game. I have learned a lot about life from my time playing and watching football. Two of the most important lessons I have learned from sports are the power of Teamwork and Coaching.
To begin, I want to share some wisdom I have learned about Teamwork. When it comes to being successful as a team, the most crucial part is that all the players are united. There is a great quote by Peter Lencioni in his book Five Dysfunctions of a Team, “If you could get all the people in an organization rowing in the same direction, you could dominate any industry, in any market, against any competition, at any time.” This type of oneness only happens when every person on the team is willing to sacrifice their egos for the sake of the team.
The second thing I’ve learned about Teamwork, is that for the team to be functional, you must have the right people in the right positions. Every person has strengths and weaknesses specific to them and if you want to excel as a unit, you need to make sure everyone is placed in the role for which they are best suited. When even one person is put in the wrong position, the whole team will have breakdowns due to the lack of unity.
The strategy required to make sure the team is functioning at the highest capacity performance brings us to the next point: the importance of having a good Coach. If I have learned one thing about sports, business, and life, it is the simple fact that everyone needs a Coach. It doesn’t matter if you are the top performer in your field (i.e., Tom Brady, Tiger Woods, Venus and Serena) or if you are just starting out, you need someone to guide you and help you hone your abilities. Coaches can see what you can’t, and they are the ones who will push you to excellence. A good Coach is someone who will take a stand for you and call you out when you get in your own way.
If you read our newsletter from March, you know that we recently launched our new brand identity as a company which included new and restate values. One of these core values for our team is Coaching. We firmly believe that every single person needs a Coach. If you aspire to accomplish anything in life beyond your current circumstance, you must get a Coach. Having a Coach means having someone who is going to work with you and demand something of you because they believe in what you can accomplish.
Here at Field Law and Field Freedom Advisors, we are honored to work with you and hope to serve as your Coach when it comes to building your legacy and planning for your future. We know that life is filled with as many hardships as there are joyful celebrations, and we want to continue providing you with opportunities to live a life of freedom, fulfillment, and love.